Africa’s best Auto parts and Accessories B2B Ordering Marketplace.

iMoto gives Wholesale distributors, Workshops and Retailers, the opportunity to trade securely in a digital environment, no hassle, no fuss.

You are a Wholesaler, buying directly from manufacturers?
YES!! You need an easy, secured online specialized marketplace to sell your parts and accessories? Sign-up now in quick steps and get access to a world of ready buyers!

You are a workshop or a retailer and you need parts and accessories?
Enjoy benefit of the smartest automotive parts ordering App. Search for your Auto parts in a comprehensive and intuitive catalogue, and transact with hundreds of vetted automotive suppliers and professionals. In bulk or single orders? It doesn’t matter. It’s as a simple as Download, Browse, Purchase, Pay online and Get it delivered to you!

iMoto is strictly dedicated to Wholesalers, Workshops and Retailers. Not to end-driver!

Online Features for buyers


Broad Parts Catalogue

The easier and wider parts catalogues. With all majors automotive parts brands


Decision Making

You have the power in your hands. Choose the optimal authentic parts and transact securely.


Save time

Stay at your workshop or retail shop. Order from your mobile and receive your products at your door.



Track each step of the ordering journey in real-time Interact with a reactive support time at any time


Enjoy extra benefits

Get discounts and rewards for your loyalty And many more benefits!

Online Features for Seller


Greater Sales Opportunities

Access a very large numbers of new customers


Secured Access to your inventory

Share your information only to who you want, when you want Interact with your preferred partners


Optimize your inventory management

Manage easily your inventory on iMoto, or connect to your ERP. A Multi-brand catalogues with OE and IAM cross references


Secured online payment and delivery

Your customers are paying you directly with all available e-payment solutions Add value to your service… We care about delivery to your Customers


Transform your tradition business to Digital

Maintain the same relationship and selling behavior It’s just now more intuitive and quicker

I want to sell on iMoto

You are a wholesale distributor, Register for a 01 free trial and sell your products to Workshops and Retailers in your area

Sign in or Sign up for a 1 month free trail

I want to buy parts

You are a workshop or a retailer, Download for free iMoto App now and start your journey!

Download on theApp Store GET IT ONGoogle Play


Reach out to us

Drop us a message in the app or email us at info@imoto.co.za